--- apiVersion: litmuschaos.io/v1alpha1 description: message: | Execute AWS SSM Chaos on given EC2 instance Tag kind: ChaosExperiment metadata: name: aws-ssm-chaos-by-tag labels: name: aws-ssm-chaos-by-tag app.kubernetes.io/part-of: litmus app.kubernetes.io/component: chaosexperiment app.kubernetes.io/version: ci spec: definition: scope: Cluster permissions: # Create and monitor the experiment & helper pods - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["pods"] verbs: [ "create", "delete", "get", "list", "patch", "update", "deletecollection", ] # Performs CRUD operations on the events inside chaosengine and chaosresult - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["events"] verbs: ["create", "get", "list", "patch", "update"] # Fetch configmaps & secrets details and mount it to the experiment pod (if specified) - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets", "configmaps"] verbs: ["get", "list"] # Track and get the runner, experiment, and helper pods log - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["pods/log"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] # for creating and managing to execute commands inside target container - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["pods/exec"] verbs: ["get", "list", "create"] # for configuring and monitor the experiment job by the chaos-runner pod - apiGroups: ["batch"] resources: ["jobs"] verbs: ["create", "list", "get", "delete", "deletecollection"] # for creation, status polling and deletion of litmus chaos resources used within a chaos workflow - apiGroups: ["litmuschaos.io"] resources: ["chaosengines", "chaosexperiments", "chaosresults"] verbs: ["create", "list", "get", "patch", "update", "delete"] image: "litmuschaos.docker.scarf.sh/litmuschaos/go-runner:latest" imagePullPolicy: Always args: - -c - ./experiments -name aws-ssm-chaos-by-tag command: - /bin/bash env: - name: TOTAL_CHAOS_DURATION value: "60" - name: CHAOS_INTERVAL value: "60" # Period to wait before and after injection of chaos in sec - name: RAMP_TIME value: "" # provide tag of the target EC2 instances # ex: team:devops (key:value) - name: EC2_INSTANCE_TAG value: "" - name: REGION value: "" # it defines the sequence of chaos execution for multiple target instances # supported values: serial, parallel - name: SEQUENCE value: "parallel" # Provide the path of AWS credentials mounted from secret - name: AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE value: "/tmp/cloud_config.yml" # percentage of total instance to target - name: INSTANCE_AFFECTED_PERC value: "" # provide the number of workers for memory stress - name: NUMBER_OF_WORKERS value: "1" # provide the percentage of available memory to stress - name: MEMORY_PERCENTAGE value: "80" # provide the CPU chores to comsumed # 0 will consume all the available CPU cores - name: CPU_CORE value: "0" - name: DEFAULT_HEALTH_CHECK value: "false" # Provide the name of SSM doc # if not using the default stress docs - name: DOCUMENT_NAME value: "LitmusChaos-AWS-SSM-Doc" # Provide the type of SSM doc # if not using the default stress docs - name: DOCUMENT_TYPE value: "Command" # Provide the format of SSM doc # if not using the default stress docs - name: DOCUMENT_FORMAT value: "YAML" # Provide the path of SSM doc # if not using the default stress docs - name: DOCUMENT_PATH value: "Litmus-AWS-SSM-Docs-For-EC2-CPU-Hog.yml" # if you want to install dependencies to run default SSM docs - name: INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES value: "True" labels: name: aws-ssm-chaos-by-tag app.kubernetes.io/part-of: litmus app.kubernetes.io/component: experiment-job app.kubernetes.io/version: ci secrets: - name: cloud-secret mountPath: /tmp/